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Establishment Inspection Results

The CDC has identified the most frequently contributing factors to food-borne illness. They are:

  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Inadequate cooking
  • Improper holding temperatures (hot, cold, and cooling)
  • Contaminated equipment (food contact surfaces)
  • Food from unsafe sources

Note: Please do not compare Vineland inspection results with any other reports from Health Departments in New Jersey. Vineland has adopted additional regulations from the Food and Drug Administration model code that are not enforced elsewhere in New Jersey currently. This could potentially increase the number of risk factors out of compliance and would unfairly compare with other jurisdictions. The FDA model food code represents the most up to date scientific evidence on food safety.

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East Landis Lounge
827 E. Landis Ave.
East Side Nutrition
3722 E. Landis Ave.
Edible Arrangements
3600 E. Landis Ave.
El Mercadito
106 W. Landis Ave
El Michoacano
216 S. West Blvd.
El Nopal Mexican Restaurant
854 N Main RD Unit F
El Nuevo Amanecer
Mobile Unit
El Nuevo Amanecer
514 E. Landis Ave
El Rincon Del Sabor II
514 E Landis Ave.
El Sabor de Mexico
620 S. 7th St.
El Tuque Restaurant
623 E Landis Ave.
Encompass Health Corporation
1237 W Sherman Ave.
Eric’s Greek Deli
98 S. West Ave.
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