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Registered Environmental Health Specialists perform inspections on approximately 30 public recreational facilities in the City of Vineland. These inspections protect the public’s health by assuring that all recreational bathing areas; pools, wading pools and hot tubs are safe and compliant with the state laws and regulation codes. There are two types of facilities; seasonal and year-round.

The Vineland Health Department conducts multiple types of inspections but only pre-opening inspections and routine inspections are posted on our website.

  • Pre-opening: Scheduled inspection requested by the facility to ensure the bathing facility is safe to open to the public. Typically these types of inspections are conducted for seasonal pools that do not operate year round.
  • Routine/Operating: Unannounced inspections that are conducted once or twice depending on the type of the facility.
  • Re-Inspection/Follow Up: Conducted routinely after a pre-opening or routine inspection when one or more violations that do not deem a closure were present. Usually within a time frame of 1-3 weeks.

In Vineland, seasonal facilities have a scheduled pre-opening inspection and a routine inspection. Year-round facilities have two routine inspections throughout the calendar year. Inspection reports have always been public record. The Vineland Health Department retains these records and the results are available on this website. If you have any questions, please call 856-794-4131.

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