The CDC has identified the most frequently contributing factors to food-borne illness. They are:
- Poor personal hygiene
- Inadequate cooking
- Improper holding temperatures (hot, cold, and cooling)
- Contaminated equipment (food contact surfaces)
- Food from unsafe sources
Note: Please do not compare Vineland inspection results with any other reports from Health Departments in New Jersey. Vineland has adopted additional regulations from the Food and Drug Administration model code that are not enforced elsewhere in New Jersey currently. This could potentially increase the number of risk factors out of compliance and would unfairly compare with other jurisdictions. The FDA model food code represents the most up to date scientific evidence on food safety.
Oak Tavern
596 NW Blvd.
Ocean Garden
1760 S. Lincoln Ave
Old Vineland Tavern
1508 Mayslanding Rd.
Olive Garden
3880 S Delsea Dr.
Olympia Restaurant
739 S. Delsea Drive
Ooh La La Sweets & Treats
1296 Magnolia Rd
Original Sammy J’s
2111 Industrial Way
Outlaw’s Burger Barn and Creamery
1370 S. Main Rd.
Outlaw’s Burger Barn “On The Run” Takeout
1370 S. Main Rd. Suite 10